Docker Images and Containers Important commands


5 min read

  • Check Docker Version:

      docker version
  • Pull a Docker Image:

      docker pull [image_name]:[tag]
  • Build a Docker Image from a Dockerfile:

      docker build -t [image_name]:[tag] [directory]
  • List Docker Images:

      docker image ls
  • Run a Docker Container:

      docker run [options] [image_name]
  • List Running Containers:

      docker container ls
  • Stop a Docker Container:

      docker stop [container_id/name]
  • Remove a Docker Container:

      docker rm [container_id/name]
  • Execute Command in Running Container:

      docker exec -it [container_id/name] [command]

Docker Networking

  • List Docker Networks:

      docker network ls
  • Inspect a Docker Network:

      docker network inspect [network_name]
  • Remove a Docker Network:

      docker network rm [network_name]

Docker Volumes (Persistent Data Management)

  • Create a Docker Volume:

      docker volume create [volume_name]
  • List Docker Volumes:

      docker volume ls
  • Inspect a Docker Volume:

      docker volume inspect [volume_name]
  • Remove Unused Docker Volumes:

      docker volume prune
  • Run Container with Volume:

      docker run -d --name [container_name] -e [env_variables] --mount source=[volume_name],target=[path_in_container] [image_name]

Docker Bind Mounts

  • Run Container with Bind Mount:

      docker run -d --name [container_name] --mount type=bind,source=[host_path],target=[path_in_container] [image_name]

Upgrading Containers without Losing Data

  • Example with MySQL:

    1. Run MySQL Container with Named Volume:

       docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=[password] --name mysqldb_1 --mount source=mysql_db,target=/var/lib/mysql mysql:8.0
    2. Upgrade by Removing Old and Running New Container:

       docker rm -f mysqldb_1
       docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=[password] --mount source=mysql_db,target=/var/lib/mysql --name mysqldb_2 mysql:8.2

Certainly, let's continue with additional Docker commands and concepts that complement and extend the summary provided:

Docker Image Management

  • Remove a Docker Image:

      docker rmi [image_name]:[tag]
  • Tag a Docker Image:

      docker tag [source_image]:[tag] [target_image]:[tag]
  • Push a Docker Image to Docker Hub:

      docker login
      docker push [username]/[image_name]:[tag]

Inspecting Containers and Images

  • Inspect a Docker Container:

      docker inspect [container_id/name]
  • View the Logs of a Running Container:

      docker logs [container_id/name]
  • View the Port Mappings of a Container:

      docker port [container_id/name]

Docker Network and Data Volume CLI Operations

  • Create a Docker Network:

      docker network create [options] [network_name]
  • Run a Container on a Specific Network:

      docker run -d --name [container_name] --network [network_name] [image_name]
  • Attach a Running Container to a Network:

      docker network connect [network_name] [container_id/name]
  • Detach a Container from a Network:

      docker network disconnect [network_name] [container_id/name]

Interactive Containers

  • Start a Container in Interactive Mode:

      docker run -it --name [container_name] [image_name] [command]

    For example, to start a Bash session in an Ubuntu container:

      docker run -it --name ubuntu_test ubuntu bash

Docker Compose (for Multi-Container Applications)

  • Start Services Defined in docker-compose.yml:

      docker-compose up
  • Stop and Remove Containers, Networks, and Volumes Created by up:

      docker-compose down

Cleaning Up

  • Remove All Stopped Containers:

      docker container prune
  • Remove All Unused Images, Containers, Networks, and Volumes:

      docker system prune

    Add -a to remove all unused images not just dangling ones, and --volumes to remove all unused volumes.

  • To ensure we cover a comprehensive set of Docker commands and concepts, here are some additional points that complement the previous summaries, focusing on advanced usage, docker-compose, and cleanup commands:

    Advanced Container Operations

    • Restart a Docker Container:

        docker restart [container_id/name]
    • Attach to a Running Container: For interactive processes (like a shell), you can use docker attach to connect to a running container.

        docker attach [container_id/name]
    • Copy Files/Folders between a Container and the Local Filesystem:

        docker cp [container_id:name]:[container_path] [local_path]
        docker cp [local_path] [container_id:name]:[container_path]

Docker Compose for Multi-container Applications

  • Run a Specific Service Defined in docker-compose.yml:

      docker-compose up [service_name]
  • Build or Rebuild Services: Useful when you want to build images before starting the containers.

      docker-compose build
  • View Running Containers of a Docker Compose Project:

      docker-compose ps
  • Stop Services Without Removing Them:

      docker-compose stop
  • Remove Stopped Containers Managed by Compose:

      docker-compose rm

Cleanup Commands

  • Remove All Unused or Dangling Images:

      docker image prune

    To remove all images not used by existing containers, add the -a flag.

  • Remove Dangling Volumes: As mentioned, docker volume prune will remove all unused volumes. Ensure no data is lost inadvertently by verifying that no containers are using these volumes.

Monitoring and Logs

  • Monitor Docker Containers: You can monitor the CPU, memory usage, I/O, and network stats for running containers using:

      docker stats
  • Tail Logs of a Container: To follow (tail) the log output of a container, use:

      docker logs -f [container_id/name]

Docker Network Insights

  • Inspecting Network Settings of a Container: To get detailed network settings used by a container:

      docker inspect --format='{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks}}' [container_id/name] | jq .

    This command requires jq to be installed for parsing JSON output. It's useful for debugging or when you need detailed network configuration info.


  • we've covered a comprehensive range of Docker commands and concepts, spanning from basic to more advanced operations, including image and container management, networking, persistent data handling with volumes and bind mounts, docker-compose for orchestrating multi-container applications, and various cleanup commands to maintain a tidy environment. This collection should serve as a robust foundation for managing Docker containers and images, setting up and networking containers, ensuring data persistence, and optimizing your Docker environment for development and production use.